Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Best NFL Team Uniform Set Series - Dallas Texans, New York Yanks, New York Bulldogs, and Boston Yanks

The Sports Aesthetics: A Uni Watch Fans Page is doing a survey series to rate each uniform set worn by the specific team throughout their history. The results of the Dallas Texans, New York Yanks, New York Bulldogs, and Boston Yanks are listed below after 15 surveys were received.

** Scoring: The closer a rating is to 10.00, the better the uniform set **

1) New York Bulldogs 1949: 6.67

2) Boston Yanks 1948: 6.47
3) Boston Yanks 1944: 6.33
4) Boston Yanks 1947: 6.32
5) New York Yanks 1950: 6.31
6) Dallas Texans 1952: 6.14
7) New York Yanks 1951: 6.13
8) Boston Yanks 1945: 5.80

9) Boston Yanks 1946: 5.07

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